Our Story
Dalhousie Transportation Collaboratory (DalTRAC) is a multi-disciplinary research facility dedicated to the advancement of transportation engineering and planning research and practice at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The research unit aims to contribute to transportation studies, planning, and analysis at local, regional and national levels.
Over the last decade, DalTRAC has taken part in completing numerous travel activity surveys for both the Halifax Regional Municipality (HaliTRAC) and the province of Nova Scotia (NovaTRAC) to learn more about households' daily travel activity, including when, where and how they travel. These projects offered partnership building opportunities as well as have acted as a benchmark for travel behaviour information and transportation modelling. More importantly, they have established a survey methodology, survey tools and data which will be useful for the upcoming work funded by the Canada's Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF) over the next five years.

DalTRAC was awarded $3.6 million through Canada's Climate Action and Awareness Fund (CAAF) for a new project aimed at monitoring emissions at a local level to inform future climate mitigation strategies. To support such a large, federally funded research project the Climate Action Research for Transportation (CART) Network was established. Over the next five-years, the project team will focus on developing new data, tools, and processes to characterize the movements of people and goods and quantify finer-grained, geospatially resolved vehicular emissions (i.e., greenhouse gases (GHGs) and air pollutants) in multiple Canadian cities. CART Net's research and modelling will provide data and knowledge Canada needs to meet its 2050 net zero emissions target.